24/7 Recovery Principles for Injury Management

24/7 Recovery Principles for Injury Management
This course includes
The instructors
Patients often experience psychosocial challenges when dealing with an injury, and statements like the ones below are likely ones you are familiar with. These feelings and expressions can undermine the recovery process if they are not recognized and managed. Engaging with patients in a meaningful and supportive manner is important in a client-centred approach.
Do any of the following statements sound familiar?
✔ “I just want my life back”
✔ “I’m tired of talking about my injury to everyone”
✔ “It’s your (therapist) job to get me better”
✔ “I do my rehab exercises but don’t feel like I am getting anywhere”
✔ “This just isn’t fair; I’ll never be able to do <that> again”
✔ “No-one seems to understand what I’m going through”
✔ “I have a high pain threshold but this is just too much”
✔ “I don’t see how this is ever going to get better”
✔ “I keep telling people how I am feeling but nobody seems to listen to me”
✔ “I'm normally a quick healer, so why is this taking so long?”
This online course will introduce Recovery Principles that can be woven into your conversations with patients when these challenging topics are presented so that you can help them adopt a 24/7 approach to managing and optimizing their recovery.
Who should attend this online course with Dr. Bruce Pinel?
All Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Athletic Therapists, Kinesiologists, and Massage Therapists involved in patient care
The instructors

Ph.D., M.A., B.A. Honours, Registered Clinical Counsellor
Bruce Pinel, Ph.D., RCC, M.A., B.A. Honours. Dr. Pinel has been working in the performance, injury management, and health & wellness fields as a practitioner since 2001, and is an adjunct professor at the University of Victoria (School of Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education). He’s an inspiring, innovative, and leading practitioner and he regularly consults and presents at various organizations and conferences in the health care and performance fields relating to his expertise in performance, injury rehabilitation, health & wellness, stress & adversity management, business leadership, and building resiliency.
Dr. Pinel has also worked with a range of athletes and teams at the world-class level at major international events, including multiple medallists at the Olympics, Paralympics, Pan American Games, Commonwealth Games, and numerous World Championships. Check out Dr. Pinel’s website at www.drbrucepinel.ca for more information.
Material included in this course
24/7 Recovery Principles for Injury Management
Introduction to Injury Management
Recovery Principles
Work Smart
Be Bigger Than Your Injury
Connect the Dots
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