Even Superheroes Need a Hand

Even Superheroes Need a Hand
This course includes
The instructors
Are you experiencing stress, depression, and/or job dissatisfaction? Are you looking to audit yourself, your values, and your beliefs to determine if you are experiencing burnout? Do you want to learn how to help yourself or help others exhibiting the same signs of burnout?
This poignant and witty lecture covers all aspects of identifying the signs of stress and burnout and the factors that lead to it. It includes examples that likely strike home for many who work in healthcare and offers resources for helping oneself or one another. The lecture begins with definitions of stress and burnout and asks hard questions about personal and profesional values and boundaries, and finishes with a list of non-negotiables for someone wishing to prevent burnout.
What’s included
- Certification of completion. Once you've completed the course, you will receive a certificate for your professional portfolio.
- Access to this course is through Embodia, and although some of the content, such as the workbook can be downloaded, the majority cannot. This is to protect the instructor’s material and to prevent the content from being shared freely on the Internet.
- Embodia is mobile-friendly and can be accessed by phone, tablet, and computer.
- There is no start date or completion date. You can complete the course at your own pace.
- A quiz to help you integrate the knowledge.
- You will be sent a receipt as soon as you purchase this course. This receipt can be used for education grants and for tax purposes.
- Bite-sized information: all of the content is broken down into bite-sized chunks, so that you can easily watch a video on your break, over lunch, or for a few minutes at night.
Learning objectives
You will learn:
- A definition and the prevalence of burnout in healthcare.
- The difference between stress and burnout, and how one leads to the other.
- The concept of 'Compassion Fatigue' and its definition.
- How to recognize the signs of burnout in yourself and others.
- That you are not alone: How, when, and where to seek help.
- How to define your values and professional values.
- How values and boundaries influence personal and professional health.
- The non-negotiables of preventing burnout.
This online course is for all healthcare professionals concerned about their own or someone else's health due to stress and burnout.
The instructors

Sandy graduated from Pacific University (Oregon) in 1988 with a Master of Science in Physical Therapy and earned a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Des Moines University in December 2013.
Sandy teaches Health Professionals and Community Education classes on returning to function following back and pelvic pain, and co-teaches Advanced Level Male Pelvic Floor Evaluation/Treatment for Entropy Physiotherapy as well as Neurodynamics and Sensory Integration for Pelvic Pain and a Practical Application of Pain Science course with Pelvic Health Solutions.
Sandy’s clinical interest is chronic pain with a particular interest in complex pelvic pain disorders for men and women. Sandy is also pursuing opportunities for collaboration in research into the clinical treatment of pelvic pain conditions. Sandy has co-authored two papers, 2 book chapters and "Why Pelvic Pain Hurts" a patient focussed book.

Dr. Mark Milligan, PT, DPT, is an orthopedic manual therapist that specializes in the evaluation and treatment of musculoskeletal spinal conditions and is Board Certified in Orthopedics and a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Therapy.
He earned his Doctorate of Physical Therapy at the University of the Colorado, School of Medicine in Denver, Colorado. He went on to complete an Orthopedic Physical Therapy Residency and Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy Fellowship with Evidence in Motion (EIM).
He is a full-time clinician. Dr. Milligan serves as adjunct faculty for the Doctor of Physical Therapy Programs at South College and The University of St. Augustine. Dr. Milligan is also primary faculty for Trigger Point Dry Needling Courses and Musculoskeletal Courses for EIM.
Mark has presented at numerous state and national conferences and has been published in peer reviewed journals. He is an active member of the TPTA, APTA, and AAOMPT and is current the Capital Area District Chair for the Texas Physical Therapy Association and has great interest in governmental affairs.
Material included in this course
Even Superheroes Need a Hand
Healthcare Practitioner Burnout
Positive And Negative Stress
Dealing With Healthcare Burnout Pt 1
Dealing With Healthcare Burnout Pt 2