Prescribing exercises
Once you find the exercise you are looking for, click on the Add button. This button can be found in two places.
1. Next to each exercise in the library:
2. When you click on an exercise to view it:
Click the Add button. You will see the exercises added to the program icon in the top right-hand corner. Add as many exercises as you like.
Once you've added all the exercises that you would like to prescribe to your patient, click on the program icon. Then click on Create Program:

The final step is to add the instructions for the program. This page will list all of the exercises that were added to this program.
On this page, you can perform multiple tasks:
1. Remove an exercise you have added by clicking the trash icon:
2. Change the order of the exercises by clicking and dragging the 3 vertical lines next to each exercise:
3. Set instructions for an individual exercise by clicking the edit icon:
4. Set instructions for all exercises missing instructions by clicking Set instructions to exercises missing instructions. This feature will save you time!
We will go into more detail about setting exercise instructions in the help article: Setting exercise instructions.
5. You will be prompted to provide a Program Title. You can keep the default title (today's date) or change it as shown below:
Additional options:
- Allow the patient to track their symptom levels using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) - learn more in this help article.
- Allow my colleagues to modify this program - learn more in this help article.
- Make the program free style - learn more in this help article.

6. Click Send to patient to send the program to your patient.
Nothing is set in stone! If you made a mistake or need to edit any exercise program in the future, you are able to do so and we will show you how in the help article: Editing prescribed exercise programs.