The Eclectic Approach to Modern Patient Education

The Eclectic Approach to Modern Patient Education
This course includes
The instructors
Modern Patient Education introduces participants to some of the so-called “soft skills” of patient engagement as well as other aspects of treatment that can make for a more comprehensive treatment experience.
Topics addressed include evidence based practice, modern pain science education, diaphragmatic breathing and mindfulness meditation, general exercise principles, sleep, and nutrition.
Learning Objectives:
- Appreciate the strengths and challenges of evidence-based practice
- Acknowledge what the evidence demonstrates that people want out of a healthcare encounter
- Have a better understanding of pain and how to more effectively communicate its complexities to patients
- Recognize the power of words and both the negative and positive effects it can have on patient perception of disease and disability
- Be able to identify sub-optimal breathing patterns and be able to effectively coach patients into improved breathing patterns
- Have a better understanding of what mindfulness meditation is, how a session might go, and what the evidence is currently demonstrating for benefit for things such as chronic pain and stress
- Understand and be able to apply general exercise concepts to a wide variety of patients including those living with persistent pain.
- Learn why sleep is such an important activity for recovery and both physical and mental/emotional health and what the downsides are to a regular lack of sleep.
- See how nutrition can play a role both in tissue healing and pain, and be a significant lifestyle factor in overall health and longevity.
What this Course Will Cover:
- Evidence Based Medicine (what it is and isn’t)
- What do patients (people) want?
- A better understanding of pain
- The role of breathing & meditation
- Fundamentals of Therapeutic Exercise (especially in presence of persistent pain)
- Sleep for recovery and performance
- Nutrition
This course also has 7 patient education handouts which can be printed or shared digitally with your patients. Please note, you must be an Embodia Member (subscriber) to use Embodia with your patients. You can view membership pricing here or contact us at if you have questions.
PT, MD, DO, ATC, MT, and everyone interested in Modern Patient Education!
USA CEU Approval
This online course is approved for 6.5 CEUs for Physical Therapists in 39 US States. The US States that this course has been approved for can be found here.
In order to qualify for the CEUs, you must complete the entire course and pass the exam.
Further details are included in the course.
The instructors

Dr. Erson Religioso III, DPT, MS, MTC, CertMDT, CFC, FMS, FMT, FAAOMPT, is a fellowship trained cash based PT practice owner, entrepreneur, blogger, and sought after lecturer in the topic of Modern Manual Therapy. He has a #CashPT Practice in the Buffalo, NY area, EDGE Rehab and Sports Science, where he specializes in TMD, headaches, spinal care, runners, gymnasts, and chronic pain. His focus is seeing the patient as little as possible, and empowering them with education, self assessment and treatment strategies.
Dr. Religioso is adjunct faculty of SUNY at Buffalo, where he teaches orthopaedic manual physical therapy in the DPT program. He also developed a line of manual therapy, mobility, fitness, strength, and rehab products along with pain science education materials at The EDGE Mobility System.
Modern Manual Therapy - The Eclectic Approach is Dr. Religioso’s line of seminars for clinicians that are taught online and in live venues around the world. The Eclectic Approach started with Modern Manual Therapy, and has expanded to include Modern Strength Training, and Modern Patient Education.
Dr. E is now offering his services as both an online clinical mentor to clinicians at Modern Rehab Mastery, travelling OMPT Fellowship mentor, online patient consultations, and online business and social media consultation, #CashPT start up with LeBauer Consulting. He also is part of media company, UpDoc Media, with 2 podcasts, Therapy Insiders and Untold Physio Stories.
Erson is a family man, married to the best woman in the world, and currently has 5 beautiful children. He enjoys running with them, watching them in competitive gymnastics and watching Disney/Pixar movies. He is also a huge tech geek and loves all things Marvel, Star Wars, and Star Trek. If you see Dr. E out and about, or at a seminar, ask him to grab a beer or coffee and talk about shop or anything!

Dr. Andrew Rothschild is a 2006 graduate VCU’s Medical College of Virginia with his Doctorate in Physical Therapy. He has been a physical therapist for nine years working in a variety of outpatient orthopedic clinical settings. He became a board certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist in 2008 and received his manual therapy certification from the Ola Grimsby Institute in 2010.
He went on to complete Manual Therapy Residency and Fellowship training through the Ola Grimsby institute in 2011 and 2012 and became a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists in 2013. He has served as adjunct faculty and a guest lecturer in the Department of Physical Therapy at Virginia Commonwealth University and has also provided lectures at the UT Medical Center in Memphis, TN. Andrew also has additional extensive training in spinal manipulation and dry needling and has served as a clinical mentor not only for students in PT school, but for physical therapists working towards their manual therapy fellowship.
Material included in this course
Welcome and Introduction
Welcome and Handouts
Dr. Andrew Rothschild's Lectures
Clinical Decision Making
A Better Understanding of Pain
The Mature Organism Model
Pain Education
Exercise Part 1
Exercise Part 2
Nutrition Part 1
Nutrition Part 2
Feedback & Certification
US CEU Certificate Information & Test
Patient education included in this course
Pain and Exercise
How To Get Started With Meditation
Diaphragmatic Breathing
A Better Understanding of Pain