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External Approaches to Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse

External Approaches to Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse

External Approaches to Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse

This course includes
Lifetime access after purchase
Certificate of completion
This course was recorded in June 2023


In this 4-hour Quick Course, we are focusing on how we as trainers, coaches, athletic therapists, massage therapists or physiotherapists can support our clients with bladder leaking or pelvic heaviness symptoms, from the outside!

Learning Objectives

In this online course, you will:

  1. Learn to understand the types of incontinence and prolapse, and the anatomy and pressure systems that influence them.

  2. Review commonly used treatment modalities such as pelvic floor muscle training, bladder training, use of pessaries, and surgical options.

  3. Learn how to perform an external pelvic floor self-assessment, and how to perform on a patient/client considering scope of practice.

  4. Explore exercise modification strategies that you can use with your clients whether you do a pelvic floor assessment or not.

  5. Consider how to integrate these concepts into your current practice to support your clients who have incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse concerns.



This course is geared towards external therapists, healthcare providers and fitness professionals who do not provide internal pelvic floor exams or treatment. 



When you sign up for this course, you will receive a 10% discount code for any of the other courses in this course series, External Approaches to Pelvic Health. There are 8 online courses in this series, but at this time only 2 of the 8 courses are published. Once the other courses are ready you will be able to use the coupon code to purchase them!

The instructors
Jenny Telfer-Crum
BScHK (Hons), MScPT

Jenny is an Educator and Pelvic Health Physiotherapist out of Ontario, Canada. Jenny is co-author and presenter of three courses: "External Approaches to Pelvic Health: Education, Exercise, Empowerment" with Ashley Burr, CAT(C) on Embodia and In-Person; "Pessaries: Clinical Integration and Management of POP/SUI" and "Clinical Update: SUI and POP Research and Management Review" with Cara McDougall, PT through Pelvic Health Solutions.

Women’s pelvic health has, unfortunately, been considered a taboo topic and has historically been overlooked in health education, our medical system, and our culture as a whole. This means that concerns about bladder leaking, pelvic organ prolapse, sexual pain or pelvic/low back pain have been overlooked or considered “normal” with aging or after having children. Although pelvic concerns are being talked about more on social media, this can also lead to conflicting messaging from a variety of sources that may leave female clients feeling more confused and unsure of what to do next.

Jenny's goal through these courses is to share current and practical information so that providers can affirm, empower and support their female clients throughout the lifespan. Jenny has been working as Senior Teaching Assistant with Antony Lo on his Female Athlete series of courses, as well as being a Teaching Assistant with Pelvic Health Solutions, since 2018.

Clinically, Jenny works collaboratively with people experiencing pelvic health concerns so that they can understand their bodies, stop worrying, and confidently progress towards their fitness or lifestyle goals. She strives to provide compassionate, inclusive, and trauma-informed Physiotherapy and Pessary care that revolves around her client’s goals and fits into their lifestyle.

Jenny's work with client's includes external and internal assessment, manual therapy, pessary use if indicated, and exercise prescription, as well as exploring other contributing factors with her clients such as their personal health history, stress management, sleep habits, foundations of nutrition, and movement preferences.

Jenny has always pursued various forms of exercise herself, from jogging to CrossFit, from yoga to belly dancing. Apart from being a completely average gym goer, she also enjoys reading fiction and spending time outdoors with her husband, Sho.

Ashley Burr
BSc.(KIN), CAT(C), Certified Athletic Therapist

Ashley has been working as a Certified Athletic Therapist at Arora Family Chiropractic in Winnipeg, Manitoba since 2014. After the birth of her son (2016), she gained a special interest in the pregnant and postnatal population and began expanding her knowledge and skillset in pelvic health. Ashley works with clients to guide them towards confidently reaching their pain, movement, and exercise goals.

Outside of the clinic, Ashley enjoys teaching and working various sporting events throughout the year. Ashley is co-author and presenter of ‘External Approaches to Pelvic Health: Education, Exercise, Empowerment’ with Jenny Telfer-Crum BSc (HK) MSc (PT), and the author and presenter of ‘Introduction to Myofascial Cupping’. She has been working as the Athletic Therapist with Kelvin High School Football since beginning her university practicum placements in 2010.

Growing up, Ashley experienced many injuries. This piqued her interest in movement and how the body works. She was heavily involved in swimming, softball, gymnastics, and army cadets. She enjoys running, spending time with her family, and coaching her son’s various sporting adventures.

Material included in this course
  • Introduction
  • Introduction
  • Anatomy
  • Farmyard Analogy
  • Bladder Diary
  • Intra-Abdominal Pressure (IAP)
  • Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)
  • Incontinence Case Study - Outline Your Current Knowledge and Approach
  • Types of Incontinence and Anatomy
  • Assessment
  • Pelvic Floor Muscle Training
  • Bladder Habits for UUI
  • Pelvic Physiotherapy and Medical Options
  • Case Study - UUI Application
  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)
  • POP Case Study - Your Current Knowledge and Approach
  • Anatomy and Definitions
  • Symptoms, Prevalence and Risk Factors
  • Subjective Assessment and Treatment
  • Pessaries and Medical Options
  • Exercise
  • When to Refer and Pessary Discussion
  • External Pelvic Floor Assessment
  • Practitioner Assessment
  • Self Assessment
  • Your Turn - Guided Practice
  • SUI and POP Exercise Lab
  • Impact Activity
  • Application - Find the Fence
  • Putting It All Together
  • SUI Case Study - Updated Knowledge and Elevating Your Approach
  • POP Case Study - Updated Knowledge and Elevating Your Approach
  • SUI Summary and Application in Clinic
  • POP Summary
  • Putting It All Together
  • Closing Remarks
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