Resource Package - The Vulvar Image Collection

Resource Package - The Vulvar Image Collection
This course includes
The instructors
The Vulvar Image Collection is a compilation of images of vulvas during vulvo-vaginal assessment.
This project stemmed from the need to have images of typical vulvas for patient and practitioner education. While conducting a research study, founder, and pelvic floor physiotherapist Katie Kelly, struggled to obtain images of vulvas that were inclusive to a variety of body shapes, sizes, skin tones and ages.
Too often, the only available images were those influenced by the adult entertainment industry of thin, white, young, and hairless vulvas.
Katie found that this was unacceptable for educating her patients, and for conducting research. With an interest in graded motor imagery and gradual visual exposure for chronic pelvic pain patients, access to inclusive and professional images was important for Katie. And so, this project was founded!
The Collection
The Vulvar Image Collection now consists of over 300 images, with 4 different vulvar models, with the intent to expand the project over time. Images include a variety of views of the perineum/vulva, perineal palpation, single and double-digit insertion, speculum insertion, and dilator insertion, as well as clothed pelvises in static positions.
This resource package contains:
- 78 images of the vulva
- 54 images of digit insertion
- 32 images of dilator work
- 35 images of speculum insertion
- 18 images of a practitioner performing a pelvic exam
- 89 images of clothes pelvises in a variety of positions
The intent of the vulvar image collection is to provide professionals with access to images that can be used during treatment with patients, for research studies or during presentations for educating other professionals or the public. When presenting images in a public forum, it is always important to use images with permissions. This collection allows for just that!
The Legal Bit
As you might imagine, developing this collection has been no easy feat. It certainly involved a very unusual meeting with a legal team!
These images are copyrighted and to be used with permission. Upon purchase you will receive the entire Vulvar Image Collection, and granted approval to use this images (with citation) for patient treatment, professional presentation, and courses (yes – even if you sell your course).
They are NOT to be used on merchandise or products (other than educational courses). You can take your own pictures if you would like a vulva on a mug 😊.
Upon purchase you are agreeing to use these images yourself, and not to distribute them to colleagues, clinics or the general public. Yes, you can send some to patients if the images are part of their treatment (please let them know the rules too!).
These images can be used on social media as well (with citation), but please remember that these models are real people, who are not professional models, and we request that you be respectful with their anatomy. The main intent continues to be that this collection is for professionals in a healthcare or educational setting.
For all the legal details, please click 'Buy course' and review the Terms and Conditions. You must agree to the Terms and Conditions before completing your purchase.
Important: This is a Resource Package, not a complete online course. There is no course material or lecture component to this course. This Resource Package is non-refundable.
How To Use The Gallery
After purchase you will be able to download all the images from The Vulvar Image Collection. We ask that you do not alter the images more than is necessary, and to make every attempt to include our watermark. Preferred citation is as follows: “©The Vulvar Image Collection Katie Kelly PT, 2022”
Feel free to check back to this site every so often as the intent will be to add more photos in the future, though no timeline in guaranteed.
We would like to take this time to remind you that exposure to a vulvar image can serve as treatment, and cause anxiety, pain and/or trauma for some people. When working with patients, please remember to use these images within your scope of practice, following a good assessment and with patient consent.
There is a large body of work regarding things like graded motor imagery and graded exposure that can help in your use of these images as part of your treatment, and we recommend that you have an awareness of these techniques when working with patients.
Thank you for your support of The Vulvar Image Collection!
Katie Kelly, PT
February 2022
Important Information about Resource Packages on Embodia:
This course is a resource package. A resource package is not a complete online course. Rather, resource packages on Embodia contain patient exercises and/or education which can be prescribed with patients directly through Embodia. Please note, you must be an Embodia Member (subscriber) to use Embodia with your patients. You can view membership pricing here or contact us at if you have questions.
Due to the nature of the materials in this resource package, it is non-refundable. Immediately after you purchase this resource package you will be able to download all of the images for your use.
The instructors

Bsc., MSc. PT Pelvic Health Physiotherapy
Katie Kelly has been practising as a women’s health and pelvic floor physiotherapist since 2010. She is the owner/operator of her practise, Katie Kelly Physiotherapy, in Moncton, NB.
Katie is often a guest lecturer for the School of Physiotherapy at Dalhousie University on the topics of the role of physiotherapy in pregnancy, pelvic floor and exercise for obesity and weight management. She is an active contributing author to the Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s Women’s Health Division Newsletter.
Katie has formed a relationship with Mount Allison University’s Sexual Health Laboratory to research chronic pelvic and genital pain conditions. She received both her BSc and MSc in Physiotherapy from Dalhousie University, is a member of the New Brunswick College of Physiotherapists, the Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s Women’s Health Division, the Canadian Sex Researcher Forum and the Canadian Obesity Network. Katie’s overwhelming curiosity for pelvic health physiotherapy drives her to continuously take deep dives into topics of interest.
Material included in this course
The Vulvar Image Collection
Clothed Pelvises
Digit Insertion
Practitioner Images
Vulvar Images