Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Grand Rounds 5 - Cervical Spine Complexities

Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Grand Rounds 5 - Cervical Spine Complexities
This course includes
According to Wikipedia, Grand Rounds have historically been a methodology of medical education consisting of presenting the medical problems and treatment of a particular patient to an audience consisting of doctors, pharmacists, residents, and medical students.
The Adjunct Education Committee of the National Orthopaedic Division is initiating Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Grand Rounds
Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Grand Rounds 5 was presented online on October 5, 2021 and this is the recording from that presentation.
The case is a 42-year-old patient presenting with headaches , upper extremity numbness/tingling, and facial/neck pain and visual disturbances that were triggered by neck rotation. The patient has seen many healthcare professionals, and was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome and thoracic outlet syndrome.
The panelists discuss the importance of performing a proper vascular screening as suggested by the IFOMPT Cervical Framework, which was updated in 2020. The diversified perspectives of each panelist demonstrates the complex nature of the case, as diagnostic tests do not suggest a specific diagnosis, and the patient’s symptoms can be attributed to neurogenic (vagus nerve) or mechanical pathologies. This case demonstrates the importance of a physiotherapist’s role in what can be a long journey in seeking a diagnosis.
Case Presenter:
Melissa Venturuzzo, HonBSc, MScPT, FCAMPT
Melissa graduated with her Honours Bachelors of Science from the University of Toronto in 2003, and her Masters of Science in Physiotherapy from McMaster University in 2009. She obtained her Fellowship with CAMPT in 2016, and most recently became certified in Integrated Dry Needling.
Pierre Langevin, Pht, MClSc, FCAMPT
Pierre Langevin completed his training as a physiotherapist at Laval University in 1997 and his advanced training in manual therapy in 2002. He holds a Clinical Masters in Science obtained at the University of Western Ontario in 2010. He is a clinician and co-owner of Physio Interactive and Cortex clinics. He has been a clinical professor since 2007, a lecturer in medicine at Laval University since 2010 and a teacher in manual therapy since 2003. Mr. Langevin obtained, in 2011 and 2012, two research grants as principal investigator and as co-investigator for clinical research projects in physiotherapy.
Rhonda Reardon, BSc(PT), BSc(Phys), MSc(RS), FCAMPT
Rhonda Reardon graduated from the University of Saskatchewan in 1990 with a Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy and in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science in Human Physiology. She completed the Diploma of Advanced Manual and Manipulative Therapy with the National Orthopaedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association in 1995. In 2017 she completed a Masters of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University. She is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Therapy as well as an Examiner and Instructor for the Orthopaedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. Since 1995 she has been a part time Instructor in the School of Physiotherapy at Dalhousie University.
Bernard Tonks, BSc(PT), FCAMPT, Certified Vestibular Rehabilitation Physiotherapist
Bernard is a Physiotherapist with 35 years of experience in musculoskeletal and neurological rehabilitation. He graduated from the University of Toronto but after a few stints working around the country ended up on the West Coast of Canada. He has been assessing and treating clients with vestibular dysfunctions since 1993 and since 2012, his clinical practice has been exclusive to dizziness, vestibular disorders and the management of dizziness in Post Concussion Syndrome.
The instructors

The Orthopaedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association helps our members improve their skills and service delivery through education, resources and networking.
With a reputation built on excellent instructors and a rigorous examination process, the Division offers tailored online e-learning, webinars, workshops, courses and practice resources for members at a reasonable cost and time commitment. Members learn from other practicing physiotherapists and stay current with a regularly updated curriculum and program delivery based on providing quality and modern treatment.
Material included in this course
Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Grand Rounds
Subjective Assessment
Panel Response to Subjective Assessment
Objective Assessment
Panel Response to Objective Assessment
Hypotheses and Treatment
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