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Practice Management on Embodia - Part 2: Scheduling

To sync to a private calendar URL, take a look at our help article, Syncing consults to your calendar.

Embodia offers an integration with Google Calendar that will let you:

  • Sync your consults on Embodia to your Google Calendar;
  • Sync your breaks on Embodia to your Google Calendar;
  • Block off your schedule on Embodia if it conflicts with events created directly on Google Calendar.

To connect your Embodia account to your Google Calendar account, click on Connect Google Calendar under Consults > Export in the top bar:

Connecting your google calendar to Embodia


Once you click on the Connect to Google Calendar button, you will be redirected to a Google page where you can choose which Google account you would like to connect.

Connecting your google calendar to Embodia


Select your account and then click on Allow for each permission request:

Connecting your google calendar to Embodia


Google will then show you a final confirmation page. Embodia requires that all permissions be granted (each checkbox needs to be selected), otherwise, the integration will fail. If you would like to proceed, simply click on Allow:

Connecting your google calendar to Embodia


After granting Embodia permission, you will be redirected to a page on Embodia that will list all your calendars on Google Calendar. For each calendar, you can select if you want to Sync to, Sync breaks and/or Check conflict.

Connecting your google calendar to Embodia


A note on conflict checking.

If you have checked the Check conflict checkbox on your calendar, Embodia will indicate that a conflict exists if and only if:

  • The event on Google Calendar is confirmed (i.e. has been accepted);
  • The event visibility setting on Google Calendar is set to Busy.

If an event meets the criteria listed above:

  • Your schedule will be blocked off during the event so that patients cannot book during the event time;
  • If you or a clinic admin is booking the consult, a warning will be shown, but Embodia will not restrict you from creating the consult if it conflicts with the event.

Conflict with event while booking consults on Embodia


Below is an example of Embodia consults in a Google calendar. Embodia does not display any sensitive patient information in your Google calendar:

Connecting to Google Calendar on Embodia


Displaying external events on your Embodia calendar

If you check the Check conflict checkbox, by default, the events that you add on your Google calendar will be used to check for conflict when scheduling a consult, but will not be displayed on the calendar view on Embodia.

If you wish to display the external events on the Embodia calendar, from the calendar view, click on the gear icon (arrow #1 in the image below), and then check the "Show external events from Google Calendar" checkbox.

If you have the "Show external events from Google Calendar" checkbox checked, a new icon will appear in the top bar (arrow #2 in the image above). This icon will allow you to quickly hide/show the external events from the Embodia calendar.

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