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Reframe Pelvic Girdle Pain: A 21st Century Approach

Reframe Pelvic Girdle Pain: A 21st Century Approach

Reframe Pelvic Girdle Pain: A 21st Century Approach

This course includes
Lifetime access after purchase
Certificate of completion
This course was recorded in November 2023


This course enables participants to REFRAME lumbopelvic pain during pregnancy and beyond. Lumbopelvic Pain can be a frightening and overwhelming problem in pregnancy and beyond. This course will help you to better understand this common clinical presentation, which has little to do with the hormone relaxin! 

Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain (PPGP) is a separate diagnostic classification which may affect over half of all pregnant women with symptoms persisting well beyond the post-partum period. Although largely theoretical, PPGP is currently thought to be due to a diminished capacity for the pelvis to accept and transfer load. Several risk factors have been identified including pre-existing lumbopelvic pain, multiparity, previous pelvic trauma and emotional stress. Further, postpartum depression and identified anxiety have consistently been associated with PPGP. Physical therapists are very well positioned to deliver effective evidence-based care for women with PPGP.

In this course, participants will apply their knowledge of PPGP including pathomechanical background, etiological factors, classification and diagnosis, examination and intervention. A main focus of this course content relates to emerging data and associated theories related to pain science, HPA axis dysregulation and psychologically informed care concerning PPGP. Participants will understand the drivers that are relevant and as such learn to help their clients understand how to de-threaten the systems that are relevant to this clinical presentation. A systems biology perspective will be considered with a review of the importance of understanding over-recruiting and under-recruiting the pelvic floor musculature.

Evidence-based assessment and treatment techniques will be emphasized. Clinical vignettes will be used as a tool to apply all care concepts and inform healthcare professionals how evidence-informed cognitive approaches to care “fit” the established science relative to PPGP.

This course can also be complimented by the companion resource package found here.


Learning objectives

Upon completion of this course, participants will learn to:

  • Describe relevant literature on PPGP including etiology (causes), risk factors and prognostic factors.
  • Establish rationales for appropriate care inclusive of assessment and intervention strategies (inclusive of primary and secondary prevention).
  • Demonstrate how to Integrate emerging care approaches with those of more traditional biomechanically oriented care strategies and perspectives that are outdated and disproven.
  • Apply current evidence-informed care principles for PPGP from a primary health care perspective with an emphasis on the roles of physical therapists and primary care providers.
  • Note that this course spans two sessions that are intentionally spaced two weeks apart. After Day 1, participants are expected to review several live sessions with the instructor and clients that demonstrate the application of care strategies that will be discussed in detail on Day 2. As such, Day 1 and Day 2 are situated two weeks apart. 



This online course is for all healthcare professionals, including physiotherapists and occupational therapists, who treat patients with pelvic girdle pain.

The instructors
Dr. Sinéad Dufour

Dr. Sinéad Dufour is an academic clinician who shares her time between clinical pursuits as the Director of Pelvic Health at the WOMB and academic pursuits in the Faculty of Health Science at McMaster University. She has been a practicing physiotherapist for 20 years. She completed her MScPT at McMaster University (2003), her PhD in Health and Rehabilitation Science at Western (2011), and returned to McMaster to complete a post-doctoral fellowship (2014). Her current research interests include conservative approaches to optimize pelvic floor function, pregnancy-related pelvic-girdle pain, and interprofessional collaborative practice models of service provision to enhance pelvic health and perinatal fitness for elite athletes.

Sinéad is an active member of several organizations charged with optimizing perinatal care and pelvic health and has led and contributed many national and international clinical practice guidelines to improve care provision. Sinéad also currently serves as a council member for the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario, Canada. Sinéad is a well-recognized speaker at conferences around the world and a sought-after expert to consult with companies whose aim is to improve perinatal care and pelvic health.

Relevant Links:

IG: @dr.sinead

Reframe Rehab
Online Teaching Company

We are a passionate group of highly trained clinicians who champion virtual, live online education courses to develop a biopsychosocial framework for your clinical practice. Our mission is to break down the silos in clinical practice between musculoskeletal pain, pelvic pain, pain neuroscience education, and psychology by providing timely, cost-effective, live online learning opportunities from the world's leading clinical educators on these topics.

Interested in learning more about Reframe Rehab or taking a course with us? Check us out on Instagram @reframerehab or visit our website to view all our course offerings.

Material included in this course
  • Slides and Downloadable Resources
  • Slides: Part 1, Pregnancy-related PGP REFRAMED
  • Slides: Part 2, Pregnancy-related PGP REFRAMED
  • Case Study - PPGP
  • Citations
  • Introduction and Background
  • Introduction
  • Contextual Backdrop
  • Lumbopelvic Pain: Scoping the Problem
  • Pregnancy-Related PGP: Scoping the Solutions Over Time
  • Quiz!
  • Feedback
  • The Science
  • Pregnancy-Related PGP: Scoping the Evidence VS. Care Gap
  • Pregnancy-Related PGP: Proof of Concept Evidence & Myth Busting!
  • Pregnancy-Related PGP: What Do Beliefs Got To Do With It?
  • Pregnancy-Related PGP: Psychologically Informed Approach Needed
  • Pregnancy-Related PGP: Working Through Ambivalence, Following The State of the Science
  • Clinical Application/Discussion
  • Closing Comments
  • Recap
  • Mag's Interview
  • Stress Resilience & PGP Case
  • Quiz!
  • Feedback
  • Pregnancy Related PGP: Assessment
  • Care Principles Assessment & Management
  • Assessment Principles
  • Questionnaires
  • Quiz!
  • Feedback
  • Pregnancy Related PGP: Management
  • Management Principles
  • Other Perinatal Care Considerations
  • Care Framework
  • Clinical Application: Post-Partum PGP
  • Working Through Fear of PGP Returning
  • Clinical Application: Prenatal PGP
  • Quiz!
  • What's Next!
  • Feedback
  • Case Studies
  • Barbara Part 1
  • Barbara Part 2
  • Case Study Robin
  • Robin Session 3
  • Robin Session 4
  • Robin Session 5
  • Robin's Final Session
  • Sarah Session 1

Once you have completed the course, a certificate of completion (including learning hours and course information) will be generated. You can download this certificate at any time. To learn more about course certificates on Embodia please visit this guide.

This course is available in English and has the option to turn on subtitles in English, French, and Spanish.

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