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Challenges in Private Physiotherapy Practice with Dr. Aaron Lebauer

Challenges in Private Physiotherapy Practice

With more and more physiotherapists jumping into private practices, attracting new patients has become increasingly difficult. In this blog, we discuss some of the challenges in private physiotherapy practice so that we can help you find the strategies that work best for you. 


Clinicians today are looking for ways to market their business and bring in life-long patients. Getting a new client is probably the first thing that comes to your mind when we talk about marketing, but we often forget that holding onto our existing clients is an equally crucial task. As a matter of fact, client satisfaction is the most effective source of marketing. 

Sign up for this on demand online healthcare course with Dr. Aaron Lebauer as he reveals The Top Ten Strategies to Create Patients for Life and Boosting Profits.

These days, a lot of physiotherapy specific internet searches are based on the belief that active physiotherapy is superior physiotherapy. The internet will show you countless methods to follow to grow an active physiotherapy practice, but the real question remains: How well will these methods work for you?

Let us first understand some most common challenges in private practice so we can focus on solving them and boosting your business:

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Key Challenges and Issues in a Private Physiotherapy Practice


1. Doctor Referrals

It is no surprise, but many times, a situation that can be well-managed by physiotherapists is treated by general practitioners and surgeons. Doctors, sometimes do not provide sufficient referrals to physiotherapists, referrals which can be a great source for building client networks. 

Take back pain for example, it is not only physiotherapists who are now treating back pain. Other practitioners such as osteopaths, massage therapists, acupuncturists and chiropodists also provide care to the same patients. In such a market, it can be quite challenging to come up as a professional specialized in treating back pain.


2. Patient Referrals

As we discussed earlier, patients act as the most effective mode of referral. There are many other physiotherapists out there offering the same service but one good review from your client can make you rise above the rest.

That new marketing strategy you just discovered? It’s likely the rest of the world just discovered it too. The only marketing strategy unique to you or your business is the way your client presents you in front of anyone else. It is the word-of-mouth marketing that is specific to you and you alone. There is little doubt that if you offer a great service with outstanding results, any patient would resist broadcasting their relief story. And by their “relief story” we mean your success story.


3. Continuing Education Requirements

With various healthcare professionals offering services similar to physiotherapy, the competition is fierce. Under such conditions, it is imperative for the successful physiotherapist to stay up to date with not only changes in health laws and codes, but also emerging trends in practice.

Register to Embodia and never stop learning! Always stay up-to-date with continuing education physiotherapy courses offered by our top instructors including Bahram Jam, Jodi Steele, Shelly Prosko, Julie Wiebe and many more. 


4. High Intensity of Competitors 

Search for physiotherapy clinics and you will see your map flooded. How do you think a patient searching for physiotherapy services would reach out to you when there are other options available closer and cheaper? Similar to word-of-mouth marketing, you will have to make a serious effort to get as many five-star reviews as possible, and ask you existing clients to leave stellar comments, thereby allowing you to stand out from the crowd. Learn how to use digital marketing to build a better practice.



We discussed some issues faced by any physiotherapist trying to run a private practice. We also got a clear picture of areas to focus on to boost your practice. Join this one hour webinar with Dr. Aaron Lebauer to get to know The Top Ten Strategies to Create Patients for Life and Boosting Profits.


Click Here for the Full Course!

Dr. Aaron LeBauer

Aaron LeBauer is the host of The CashPT Lunch Hour Podcast, The CashPT Nation Facebook group and has helped 1000’s of passionate physical therapists create and grow successful businesses without relying on insurance.

He is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Certified Massage Therapist, and Baptiste Inspired Yoga Teacher. He opened LeBauer Physical Therapy, a 100% cash-based physical therapy practice in Greensboro, NC with his wife Andra the day after he graduated from PT school in 2008. After seeing 43 patients in one day as a PT student, he knew he could not treat patients effectively in the insurance model. LeBauer started his 100% cash practice so he could treat patients as unique individuals and without influence by insurance reimbursement and has inspired 1000’s of others to do the same even when physicians, professors, and other physical therapists think it’s a crazy idea, unethical or will simply not work.

He is on a mission to save 100 million people from unnecessary surgery by helping other passionate therapists succeed in business and learn how to market directly to patients.

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